- World leader in civil aviation
- European Space Champion
- +800 companies, 83,000 jobs in the aerospace industry
- 4 aircraft manufacturers : Airbus (world headquarters), ATR (world headquarters), Aura Aero, Daher
- 3 European space contractors : CNES (French Space Agency) -major site in Toulouse, Airbus, Thales Alenia Space
- 260 companies, 14,000 jobs (38% of the French space workforce) including 60 pure players are in Occitanie
- 2/3 of France’s leading engineering schools are in Occitanie
- At the heart of Aerospace Valley, a global aerospace and drone innovation cluster
They chose Occitanie
Airbus, Airbus Atlantic, Air France Industries, Ascendance, Astroscale, ATR, Blue Spirit, Beyond Aero, CLS, CNES, Collins Aerospace, Dawn Aerospace, Figeac Aéro , Latécoère, Liebherr Aerospace, Météo France, Pangea Aerospace, Safran, Telespazio , Thalès Group and more.
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Your contacts
Philippe Baylet
Head of the Attractiveness Department
Export, Aerospace, Intelligent Transport
Carole Crevel
Project manager
Aerospace, Health, Cosmetics, Tourism, Environment